Wednesday, February 5, 2020


          School is a place where we can learn a lot of things that we could apply in our daily lives. It is where a person usually grows into his more mature self, due to the learning that he continuously receives. It is also a place where we found the people whom we considered as our friends now.
          Math teaches us how to deal with numbers. Science shows us how the life of a living thing starts. MAPEH teaches us how to sing, dance, create arts and how to be athletic. And ICT, ICT teaches us lessons that are related to computers which we all know that it is something that is being utilized all over the world nowadays.
          This grading, I learmed how to use Photoshop without the help of our teacher. Isn't that amazing? I could use the knowledge that I gathered through this lesson in the near future if I need to enhance photos.
          Studying is one step towards our dreams so we must really be hardworking for us to fulfill those dreams. The process might not be easy but finally getting your goal is the sweetest thing one can receive.

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          School is a place where we can learn a lot of things that we could apply in our daily lives. It is where a person usually grows in...