Sunday, February 2, 2020

Ylocos KANNAWIDAN Festival

          "Umay kayon maki-fiesta'n!"
          This festival at the end of January celebrates the best of Ilocos Sur culture, from traditional dress and folk dance to tribal rituals and marching band contests.
          The Bicentennial Ylocos Festival goes full blast with the traditional opening ritual led by Gov Ryan Singson together with the indigenous people of Ilocos Sur and other local officials, with Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea and DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones as guests of honor. 
          The festival showcases the rich heritage, tradition, culture, arts, crafts and delicacies of Ilocos Sur. Locals revived traditional practices that Ilocano elders passed on in the annual Kannawidan Festival but made it more meaningful this 2018 because of the province celebration of Bicentennial Kannawidan Ylocos festival from January 27 to February 11. “The traditional opening display the identity proofs that there is a culture that we have form through the years, and we will continue our journey towards the future.
          A lesson is learned for 2 centuries and that is, as province that we will continue with its glorious past in achieving a more glorious future. Let us walk and celebrate together our independence as a province, a starting point of our journey, let us all remember, and with pride let us be proud to be Ilocosurians for 200 years ,”said Gov. Ryan Singson. The Kannawidan (local term for traditional practice) festival was also an occasion to strengthen the Ilocano culture, recognize Ilocos Sur’s sons and daughters who brought honor to the province, celebrate abundant harvest or just to celebrate the Ilocano spirit that continues to drive locals to boost the province. 
          Various festivities were staged from trade, agriculture, aqua and livestock while a display of farm products opened the 17-day festival. Tradition was also found in the culinary treats that residents prepared including delicacies that Ilocos Sur is known for. Different Municipalities displayed products under the One-Town-One-Product (OTOP) booth inside the trade fair. Relative to this, on January 29, 2018 a concelebrated mass was done, followed by a procession. After that a boodle fight (Kinammet in Iloco meaning to eat with bare hands) eating the traditional way was led by the governor and other provincial officials, with Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea and Dep Ed Secretary Leonor Briones and the whole PGIS Family. Right after, the viewig of Dancing Fountain and fabulous Fireworks was done at the Plaza Salcedo, in front of the Provincial Capitol.

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