Monday, July 29, 2019

Practice Now, Apply Later

Prevention is always better than cure. 
Natural disasters are called natural because it is naturally happening around us without knowing when they’ll come. The only thing that we can do is to prepare so that when that disaster really comes, a person is well-prepared to face it.
Activities like earthquake drills will really help people prevent themselves from being in so much damage. Earthquake is one of the most destructive natural disaster out there but with proper orientation, we’ll do just fine. People must know the essence of this activity because some people seem to not take it seriously. Duck, cover, and hold. It might sound so simple to do but when a real earthquake comes, people always fail to do such.
We can’t preclude an earthquake to happen that’s why we need to learn and practice the proper ways on how to deal with it. People must calm during the earthquake so that they won’t do something silly that will eventually put their lives in danger. They must apply what they learned during the seminars they’ve gone. We all know how nerve-wrecking an earthquake is, but the best way to do after doing the duck, cover, and hold, is to pray to God.
Let us all be mindful with what’s going on in our surroundings. We do not know when an earthquake will strike so let us all adapt the fact that this is world full of mysteries.


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