Tuesday, September 10, 2019

UNITY is the KEY

     Unity in diversity.
Image result for unity clipart gif
     Commemorating our culture and traditions by celebrating festivals to emphasize their presence is the least we can do to preserve them. As for the Bigueños and the other people who are living closely to Vigan, it is important to celebrate the World Heritage Cities Solidarity Culture Festival to be reminded how rich Vigan is in terms of historical sights.
     To help preserve the union of the UNESCO-listed World Heritage Cities called the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) established on September 8, 1993, World Heritage Cities Solidarity Cultural Festival is being celebrated during the month of September every year. This festival aims to strengthen in the city's history and culture, promote friendship and diversity between countriesand serves as a great venue for forging ties and understanding through community's involvement in the city's various activities that highlights love for culture, arts and entertainment. A day or two will never be enough to give importance to the whole culture of Vigan that's why the festivity is a month-long celebration.

Source: https://media3.giphy.com/media/orUEsPH0jddh6a4e5E/giphy.gif

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